Deadline for submission of applications now extended until 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on Monday 20 November 2023.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), collectively, the Quadripartite collaboration on One Health, are seeking individuals to serve as experts on the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP).
Recognizing the complex and interdisciplinary challenges observed at the interface of human, animal and ecosystem health that require enhanced coordination and collaboration among sectors and agencies, nationally and internationally, in a One Health approach, the Quadripartite established the OHHLEP in 2021 to provide them with scientific advice in their support of Governments to implement and scale up the OH approach. The focus of the OHHLEP is set out in its Terms of Reference.
The OHHLEP has just completed its first term. Two annual reports detailing its work as well as several other products can be found here. The second term of OHHLEP will aim to provide advisory support to the Quadripartite in the roll out of the One Health Joint Plan of Action, a framework to integrate systems and capacity to collectively better prevent, predict, detect and respond to health threats. OHHLEP support to the Quadripartite will also include the provision of policy relevant scientific assessments on the emergence and spread of health threats arising at the human-animal-ecosystem interface, and defining OH research gaps.
The OHHLEP is interdisciplinary, with experts who have a range of technical knowledge, skills and experience relevant to One Health. The working language of OHHLEP is English.
Embedded in the One Health Joint Plan of Action is the Theory of Change, supported by three pathways, which represent the areas where the four organizations have the greatest capacity to bring about significant and sustainable change. The Quadripartite welcomes expression of interest from experts with a background in one or more of these three pathways:
Pathway 1: Policy, legislation, advocacy and financing – encompasses all aspects of policy development, political will, enabling regulatory frameworks, investment and the institutionalization of intersectoral governance. This requires expertise in, but not limited to, intersectoral governance and systems approaches; political science, international law; economics and finance; social and behavioural sciences, anthropology, ethics and gender studies.
Pathway 2: Organizational development, implementation and sectoral integration – encompasses all aspects of the implementation of One Health, including the scaling up of capacity development at regional and country level, community engagement and mobilization for action, multisectoral coordination, collaboration and communication, and the equitable integration of sectors. This requires expertise in, but not limited to, health systems policy and practice, pandemic prevention and preparedness; environmental, forestry, biodiversity, agriculture, and ecosystem sciences; food systems and their interlinkages with health.
Pathway 3: Data, evidence and knowledge – encompasses the strengthening of the scientific evidence base, knowledge translation into data for evidence, technical tools, protocols and guidelines, information and surveillance systems. This requires expertise in, but not limited to, emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses; viral diversity, surveillance and risk assessment for emerging pandemic threats; infectious disease epidemiology, informatics, modelling, prediction and foresight relevant to assessing impacts of environmental and other changes in emerging diseases and health.
For all the above disciplines, significant experience working in One Health or integrated health policies and programmes is required. Experts are sought from a diversity of backgrounds including academia, government, and civil society. Applications from women and (emerging) One Health youth leaders (<35 years of age) are also encouraged. If you would like to be considered as a youth representative for the panel, please indicate this in your application.
Process for selection of experts
The curriculum vitae and expression of interest of applicants will be reviewed by a panel composed of officials from the Quadripartite. In addition to scientific and technical excellence, the selection will consider adequate distribution of technical expertise, geographical representation and gender balance. The Quadripartite shall not in any way be obliged to reveal, or discuss with any applicant, how an expression of interest was assessed, or to provide any other information relating to the evaluation/selection process or to state the reasons for not choosing a candidate.
Selected experts will be appointed jointly by the respective Heads of the Quadripartite.
Conditions of appointment
- OHHLEP Experts must respect the impartiality and independence required by the Quadripartite. They will be required to be free of any real, potential or apparent conflicts of interest. OHHLEP Experts will have an ongoing obligation to disclose any interests, real or perceived, that may give rise to a real, potential or apparent conflict of interest.
- OHHLEP experts shall disclose engagements in any related advisory groups or panels set up by the Quadripartite or others.
- OHHELP Experts will serve in their individual expert capacity and shall not represent any governments, any commercial industries or entities, any research, academic or civil society organizations, or any other bodies, entities, institutions or organizations.
- OHHLEP Experts are not employees or agents of the Quadripartite and shall not speak on behalf of, or represent, the Quadripartite, individually or collectively, to any third party. OHHLEP Experts may not issue any publications, statements or opinions on behalf of the OHHLEP and/or the Quadripartite without prior agreement from the Quadripartite.
- OHHLEP Experts shall be appointed for a period of two years and shall be eligible for reappointment.
- OHHLEP Experts will not be remunerated for their services in relation to the OHHELP or otherwise. However, the Quadripartite will cover any expenses related to the experts’ participation in in-person meetings of the OHHLEP.
- OHHLEP Experts are expected to actively participate in all Panel meetings and to contribute to its outcomes and products.
Submitting your expression of interest
The online application form is designed to assist us in better understanding your profile and how it corresponds to the expertise required of the panel.
Please take a moment to review the role of an OHHLEP panel member, criteria and conditions of appointment as well as the Terms of Reference, to ensure this role aligns with your expectations and time capacity. To register your interest in being considered for the OHHLEP, please submit a complete application through the online form by November 20. 23:59 CET.
Please be sure to include:
- A cover letter, indicating your motivation to apply and how you satisfy the selection criteria (maximum 500 words).
- Your curriculum vitae (maximum 500 words); and
- A signed and completed Declaration of Interests (DOI) form, available at Declaration of interests for WHO experts. Please not that, if selected, you are required to serve the OHHLEP in a personal capacity.
Due to an expected high volume of interest, only selected individuals will be informed. If you have any questions about this Call for Experts or encounter any technical issues, please write to ([email protected]) well before the applicable deadline. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
As part of its partnership with Global Affairs Canada and with the support of other institutions, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) launches a new call for projects on the sustainability of diagnostic laboratories.
Cost-effective and sustainable diagnostic laboratories are essential to global health, safety and security. In low- and middle-income countries, however, they may face serious operational and capacity constraints which increase safety and security risks while undermining their overall performance.
In an effort to find a solution to this critical problem, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and other members of the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction have been actively working on diagnostic laboratory sustainability for over a decade.
With funding from Global Affairs Canada’s Weapons Threat Reduction Program and technical support from The Pirbright Institute, The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is now collaborating with Grand Challenges Canada and their implementation partners at Science for Africa to seek innovative solutions to reinvent laboratories, making them fit-for-purpose in low-resource settings.
Request for Expressions of Interest
The purpose of this Request for Expressions of Interest (or “RFEI”) is to solicit tailored ideas on how to help laboratories overcome the most pressing concerns related to sustainability.
Areas of focus include:
- end-to-end laboratory concepts including design/construction
- laboratory operations
- business models for ownership and utility of laboratory functions sustained by local leadership
Grand Challenges Canada encourages inputs from innovators belonging to local organisations based in low- and middle-income countries, those with expertise in the field, knowledge of the context and existing meaningful connections with local partners. Others are strongly encouraged to demonstrate how they plan to meaningfully engage with local stakeholders in their target implementation country.
The Grand Challenge is a flagship project for GAC and the G7 Global Partnership.
February – March 2023
Launch of Request for Expressions for interest for innovative solutions
April – June 2023
Experts’ review and analysis of Eligible Expressions of Interest
July 2023
Final Report of findings and recommendations
August – September 2023
- Funding strategy developed
- Decision on Phase II implementation and governance
How to Apply
Applications open 23 February.
Learn more about the eligibility criteria and the funding opportunity
Keith Hamilton
Head of the Preparedness and Resilience Department
[email protected]
Be a member of one of WOAH’s
Specialist Commissions
Call opens: 3 July 2023
Call closes: 8 September 2023
WOAH is launching a call for nomination to establish a list of experts from which the World Assembly of Delegates will elect members and nominate Presidents and Vice Presidents to the following four Specialist Commissions:
Terrestrial Animal Health
Standards Commission
Aquatic Animal Health
Standards Commission
Scientific Commission
on Animal Diseases
Biological Standards
See detailed Guidance describing the process here.
Are you a potential candidate ?
- Are you an internationally recognised veterinarian or expert with broad knowledge and practical experience in terrestrial or aquatic animal health and welfare?
- Do you want to make an active contribution in the development of WOAH standards to improve aquatic and terrestrial animal health and welfare and veterinary public health worldwide?
- Are you highly proficient in English (listening, reading, speaking and writing)?
- Do you have good communication and analytical skills to work in an intercultural environment?
- Can you obtain your WOAH Delegate’s endorsement and your employer’s support to commit the time needed to undertake the work and attend meetings in Paris between May 2023 and May 2027?
If you answered yes to all questions, then read more to learn how to apply.
Application Process
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Apply
Read the guidance
Check whether you are eligible, you have the required expertise and you are able to commit the time required to fulfil the role.
Fill the online application
Apply by completing the online application form in English and upload a brief CV in English (max 4 pages) with relevant educational qualifications, experience or publications. Apply between 3 July and 8 September, midnight CET.
Obtain endorsement letter
Demonstrate that you are supported by a WOAH Delegate. Obtain a letter of endorsement from the Delegate of your native country or your country of residence.
Demonstrate compliance
Demonstrate compliance with the evaluation criteria described in the Annex III of the Guidance document by providing a short text for: professional competencies (Qualifications, International Standards, Scientific Technical Expertise) attributes and skills (Communication and Analytical skills, Intercultural Awareness and teamwork skills). Demonstrate your proficiency in English.
Confirm employer support and availability
Indicate whether your employer supports your application, given the high level of time commitment required and that you can commit the time required to fulfil the role. WOAH covers travel cost (in economy class) and a per diem to attend the two annual meetings but does not provide an honorarium.
Confirm authority to act
Confirm having the ability and the authority to act in your personal and independent capacity and not as a representative of your employer or national government.
Please take note that:
- Only applications submitted through the online application system will be accepted.
- The system does not allow the applicants to save an incomplete application to return to it later. We recommend that applicants prepare their application on a separate document to copy-paste text into the online form, when ready to submit. Consult Annex IV of the Guidance document to check the information needed to complete the form.
- Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
More Resources
Guidance, Guidelines
Call for Experts: Guidance for WOAH Delegates and Applicants on the Selection process
.pdf – 226 KB See the document -
Guidance, Guidelines
Call for Experts: Evaluation Criteria for election to WOAH Specialist Commissions (ANNEX III)
.pdf – 755 KB See the document -
.pdf – 79 KB See the document
Factsheet, Infographic
Call for Experts: One pager Announcement
.pdf – 85 KB See the document
Frequently Asked Questions
Internationally recognised veterinarians or experts with broad knowledge and expertise in some of the following areas (see selection criteria for more detail):
Expertise in major diseases of terrestrial or aquatic animals (including WOAH listed diseases).
Expertise in animal health aspects of international trade in terrestrial or aquatic animals and their products in the context of the WTO SPS Agreement, the control of animal diseases, animal welfare and veterinary public health.
Expertise in surveillance, diagnosis, prevention and control of diseases of terrestrial animals (mammals, reptiles, birds or bees), or aquatic animals (amphibians, crustaceans, fish or molluscs).
Expertise in policies on the assessment and control or eradication of diseases, risk analysis, epidemiology, vaccinology applied to disease prevention and control.
Expertise in laboratory diagnosis, standards for biological products, diagnostic preparations, vaccines and immune sera, veterinary laboratory management, biosafety and biosecurity, vaccine production, test validation, laboratory quality assurance, epidemiology, genomics and new scientific technologies.
Availability to attend multi-day meetings twice a year in Paris and many other virtual meetings during the year, to read and prepare many large documents, to draft and review reports and guidelines, to provide expertise on ad hoc basis and to participate in other WOAH activities.
Please note that WOAH Delegates are not eligible to apply due to the potential conflict of interest associated with their role as WOAH Delegate and the time required to fulfil the role of a Commission member.
The aim of this call for experts is to establish a list of suitable experts from which the World Assembly of Delegates will elect one President, two Vice Presidents, and three members for each of the four Specialist Commissions: the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission, the Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission, the Biological Standards Commission and the Science Commission for Animal Diseases. Candidates are elected for a term of three (3) years from May 2024 to May 2027
The four Specialist Commissions play a key role in the development and revision of WOAH International Standards. They collaborate with its global scientific network, are responsible for the official recognition of animal health status, provide advice on epidemiology, prevention and control of animal diseases and various other aspects of WOAH’s scientific work programmes, they deal with scientific and technical issues related to the above and are responsible for evaluating the applications, overseeing the work programmes and managing the network of WOAH Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres. Each Specialist Commission has one President, two Vice-Presidents and three members and they meet formally at least twice per year to discuss and agree on a range of items from their respective work plan.
If elected, you will be part of an international, interdisciplinary team contributing to the development of international standards and recommendations aimed at improving terrestrial and aquatic animal health and welfare worldwide. Working with WOAH and its international scientific networks will provide you with unique opportunities to interact with other internationally recognised experts in the fields of terrestrial or aquatic animal health, disease diagnosis, prevention and control and animal welfare in the related international trade environment.
The Nomination Evaluation Committee (NEC) comprises representatives from WOAH Headquarters and independent experts. The NEC will evaluate the applications against the competencies and the personal skills and attributes to determine their suitability for election to a Specialist Commission. The NEC will define a list of experts suitable to be nominated for election as members for each of the Specialist Commissions, which will be provided to WOAH Director General and WOAH Council for endorsement.
Delegates will be informed of the list of suitable candidates prior to the elections, which will take place during the 91th General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates in May 2024.
The call for nominations of experts for election to the WOAH Specialist Commissions will open on Monday 3 July 2023 and close on Friday 8 September 2023.