Who we are
We are the global authority on animal health. Founded in 1924 as the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), in May 2003 we adopted the common name World Organisation for Animal Health. An intergovernmental organisation, we focus on transparently disseminating information on animal diseases, improving animal health globally and thus build a safer, healthier and more sustainable world
What we do
We work to improve animal health and welfare across the globe. By collecting, analysing and disseminating veterinary scientific information, we encourage international solidarity in the control of animal health risks. Furthermore, we work across borders to foster a One Health approach, recognising that the health of animals, humans and the environment are interdependent.
What we offer
We oversee various programmes, both cross-sectoral ones and those focused on specific needs, to improve the capacities of Veterinary Services and Aquatic Animal Health Services. These programmes are designed to empower and guide countries in the development and implementation of sustainable national plans which go well beyond purely veterinary matters.
Find information related to the animal disease situation in the world, as well to the work of the Organisation.
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Chapter 8.11. Infection with Leishmania spp. (Leishmaniosis)
Chapter 3.1.11. Leishmaniosis