Compendium of Diagnostic Protocols of the OIE Reference Laboratory for Animal Trypanosomoses of African Origin
This Compendium has been compiled to serve as a reference tool for the diagnostic methods for trypanosomoses used at the OIE Reference Laboratory for Animal Trypanosomoses of African Origin, CIRAD, Montpellier, France, and its partner laboratory, CIRDES, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. It was generated in the framework of the CIRAD-CIRDES Twinning project of the OIE for the Reference laboratory on animal trypanosomes of African origin (2012-2017).
The Compendium describes the standard parasitological, serological and molecular biology methods recommended by the OIE for the diagnosis of African trypanosomoses, as published in Chapter 2.4.17 ‘TRYPANOSOMOSIS (tsetse-transmitted)’ of the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals (hereafter, the Terrestrial Manual). It describes the main characteristics of these methods, enabling users to correctly interpret the results of the tests. It describes all the protocols in detail so that other regional or national laboratories can use these methods to carry out tests independently of OIE Reference Laboratories. However, it is recommended that permanent links are maintained with these Reference Laboratories for quality control purposes. The Compendium includes a description of the quality control methods needed to ensure the continued validity of the tests carried out.