Case Definition

WOAH Case Definition for Infection with Bovine Pestiviruses (Bovine Viral Diarrhoea)



It is important that WOAH Members share a common understanding of what constitutes a ‘case’ for the purposes of notification – the case definition – so that the occurrence and distribution of confirmed cases can be notified consistently among Members and over time. The Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Terrestrial Code) does not yet include a case definition for all WOAH-listed terrestrial diseases, which could result in poor or inconsistent notification of disease events. To address this, and to assist Members in meeting their notification obligations, WOAH is working in collaboration with subject-matter experts to develop case definitions for those WOAH-listed diseases where this information is absent or incomplete in the Terrestrial Code.

This case definition for infection with bovine pestiviruses (bovine viral diarrhoea) was endorsed by the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases at its September 2021 meeting and updated at its February 2022 meeting.