Trichinella spp. are nematode parasites whose larval stage infects the muscle tissue of their hosts. There are nine named species: T. spiralis, T. nativa, T. britovi, T. nelsoni, T. pseudospiralis, T. patagoniensis, T. papuae, T. zimbabwensis, T. murrelli, and three unnamed species (T6, T8, and T9). The named species are of primary concern for transmission among wildlife species. These species infect several different domestic and wildlife species, including swine, cattle, horses, reptiles, ursids, and marine mammals. Humans can become infected with Trichinella spp. after consuming infected meat. Regarding the nine named species, six are encapsulated (T. britovi, murrelli, nativa, nelsoni, patagoniensis, and spiralis) and three are unencapsulated (T. papuae, pseudospiralis, and zimbabwensis). Encapsulated species form a cyst in the muscle, while unencapsulated species do not.
For the purpose of voluntary reporting on non OIE-notifiable disease in wildlife, “Trichinella spp. in wildlife” refers to wildlife infections. Information on infections of Trichinella spp. in domestic suids and equids must be submitted through the mandatory reports for the OIE-notifiable diseases.