
Five countries receive official recognition of animal health status from WOAH 

WOAH official status recognition_family bonding with cattle

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) provides a framework for its Members to apply for the official recognition of animal health status for six priority diseases on a voluntary basis. This recognition is crucial for supporting national livestock economies as it facilitates regional and international trade of animals and their products. 

In 2024, five countries obtained official recognition for their animal health status: 

These accomplishments represent strong progress in the global fight against highly contagious livestock diseases. The official recognition of these statuses not only acknowledges the effective disease control, prevention and early detection measures implemented by these countries but also enhances their access to regional and international markets. 

In addition to celebrating these new recognitions, it is important to highlight the successful maintenance of the 385 already officially recognised animal health statuses and endorsed control programmes.  

Members can also submit their official control programmes for four diseases for WOAH’s assessment. In 2023, Zambia received the endorsement of its official control programme for dog-mediated rabies, preceded by Namibia and the Philippines in 2022. This achievement is a significant step forward in combating a disease that still causes approximately 59,000 human deaths annually. These countries’ efforts contribute to the ‘Zero by 30’ global goal to eliminate human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030.

The recognition of animal health status by WOAH not only underscores the achievements of individual countries in disease control but also plays a pivotal role in promoting safe trade of animal goods and improving the livelihoods of those dependent on the livestock sector.