The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is proud to announce the launch of the Observatory’s first thematic study, with a focus on the international standard of zoning.  

The thematic study is the latest output of the Observatory run by WOAH, a programme monitoring the implementation of its international standards. To get the data needed for the assessment, a questionnaire was sent to Members to assess the use of zoning for avian influenza, African swine fever (ASF) and foot and mouth disease (FMD). The results have been put together in a comprehensive study which notably highlights the use, major challenges, drawbacks and positive impacts of implementation, ending with a set of good practices for both the Organisation and its Members. Zoning as a standard was implemented by 70% of responding Members affected by avian influenza in poultry, 55% of Members affected by ASF, and 50% of Members affected by FMD.

Amongst Members using zoning,


reported partial or no integration of WOAH standards on zoning into their national regulatory framework


reported the integration of WOAH standards on zoning into their practices.  

WOAH International Standards provide a solid basis to improve global animal health, welfare, veterinary public health and international/regional trade facilitation if consistently incorporated into national and legislative frameworks. Zoning and compartmentalisation are two key concepts specifically designed to support Members in preventing and controlling the spread of a disease, while also contributing to the safe trade of animals and related commodities. However, Members may face challenges as they attempt to implement zoning and compartmentalisation standards. At times, their capacity to meet and adhere to them can also be limited, as shown by previous work of the Organisation. 

Setting standards is central to WOAH’s mission. In that context, the Organisation also looks at how Standards are used by Members. It is with this goal in mind that the Observatory was created. A data-driven programme, the Observatory monitors the implementation of WOAH International Standards and has a twofold purpose. First, it is meant to help the Organisation better support its Members by identifying where the services and processes proposed by WOAH could be better adjusted respond to Members’ needs. Second, by highlighting barriers to the implementation of these standards, and by developing tailored capacity-building activities, the programme ensures that the standards remain relevant, fit-for-purpose, and are well understood. 

For an entire century, WOAH has been at the forefront of controlling infectious animal diseases using innovation as a driving force. Reliable data supports national authorities and the international community in making evidence-based decisions that improve global health security and strengthen health systems.  In 2022, WOAH set off on a momentous journey with the innovation brought on by the Observatory, and is now spearheading the effort to make data related to animal health accessible for everyone.  

The section of the thematic study dedicated to compartmentalisation will follow in 2024-2025. The data collected on zoning are being currently further analysed to explore the factors that may influence the acceptance of zones by trading partners. These findings will be shared later in 2024. 

For more information, you can consult the thematic study on Use, challenges and impact of zoning and compartmentalisation and a short factsheet, offering a visual glimpse into the results. 

The first-ever Annual Report stemming from the Observatory of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) provides an encompassing view on the implementation of international standards on animal health and welfare by its Members. 

WOAH international standards provide guidance on a wide range of aspects related to disease prevention and control, animal welfare and veterinary public health. They also contribute to ensuring the safe and fair international trade of animals and animal products. With these goals in mind, our Organisation regularly draws on the latest advances in science to make sure that our standards are relevant, accurate and up to date. 

However, translating these standards into national legislative frameworks is not always easy for policymakers, who may face various challenges pertaining to their local context. Then, how do we know the extent to which these measures are being implemented? How can we identify and address the hurdles met by Members along the way? And how can we improve our practices to better support our Membership? 

Today, WOAH launches the  first-ever Observatory Annual Report, which provides some valuable answers to these questions. A major endeavour of the programme, the Report gives an insight into the implementation of a broad selection of WOAH standards. The document includes more than 100 indicators grouped into twelve sections. Each of them dives into a different topic and area of interest, from emergency preparedness to the One Health approach. Findings presented in this Report outline for the first time a global perspective of Members’ adherence to standards. At the same time, they raise awareness of some of the current gaps in their implementation. The report also suggests how they could be filled by improving practices at the national level and how Members could benefit from more tailored support. 

A data-driven approach 

“As a forward-thinking Organisation that puts animal health at its core, we are always on the lookout for tools that can help us improve. The establishment of the Observatory itself fits into the effort to constantly improve how our standards are developed and implemented worldwide”,

Dr Laure Weber-Vintzel, Head of the Data Integration Department.

The Observatory was launched to make sense of an ever-increasing flow of information and represents today a key component of WOAH’s digital transformation. To do so, the programme measures capabilities and performances, carries out analyses and draws conclusions from the gathered information. Data is collected from multiple sources relevant to the selected standards, analysed and compiled in the form of Annual Reports. 

Worthy of note in this first edition of the Observatory Annual Report are the recommendations outlined at the end of each section. Targeting WOAH’s activities as well as national Veterinary Services and Aquatic Animal Health Services, these recommendations are meant to advance expertise, build knowledge and help Members advocate for the optimal integration of WOAH standards into national legislations. Their goal is to make Animal Health Services better equipped to deal with existing challenges. The report’s recommendations are also valuable inputs for the Organisation itself, as they will enable WOAH to deepen its understanding of the implementation of standards across regions, maximise its support to them and inform its future work on data collection and analysis. 

WOAH wishes to continue to look at the bigger picture of standards implementation. In doing so, the Organisation will also strengthen its digital transformation plan and overall improvement of data management. In a world where data continue to push for positive change, we hail the Observatory Annual Report as an important milestone that will drive this mission forward.