Dr Rolando Arturo Tello Jaramillo, National Director of Animal Health of the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Panama, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on an animal health emergency, named Simulation exercise on avian diseases, will take place from 3 to 6 December 2018 in the city of Chitré, Province of Herrera, Panama.
The objective of this exercise is to put in practice the current national emergency plans in the framework of an outbreak of an avian transboundary disease and to evaluate the current state of preparedness in case of an avian health event, identifying problems and improvements when applying the said plans. This exercise is a valuable tool to assess the response capacity of the Veterinary Services, considering the threat posed by the occurrence of outbreaks in avian influenza or Newcastle disease, diseases for which the Republic of Panama is free.
Will participate in this exercise the official Veterinary Services (Animal Health, The Panama – USA Commission for the Eradication and Prevention of screwworm (COPEG) and Agricultural Quarantine); the members of the Board of Directors of the National Emergency System for Animal Health (SINESA) and the private sector. The National Directorate of Animal Health, the Regional International Organization for Animal and Plant Health (OIRSA) and the private sector will participate in the technical coordination of the exercise.
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]