Simulation Exercise: Classical swine fever in Germany

1 to 2 February 2011

Dr Karin Schwabenbauer, Chief Veterinary Officer, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Bonn, Germany, has informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on classical swine fever will take place at the Mobile Control Centre of the Federal States in Dörverden-Barme, Lower Saxony, Germany, from 1 to 2 February 2011.

The aim of this exercise is to focus on a meeting of the Central Crisis Task Force for Animal Diseases at the level of Deputy Ministers. The State Secretaries of the Federal Government and the Federal States, together with representatives from industrial associations and other organisations (veterinary profession, animal welfare), discuss the decision on an emergency vaccination of domestic pigs and the consequences resulting from this.

Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]