16 and 17 November 2022
Dr. Wilson Patricio Almeida Granja, Delegate to WOAH and Executive Director of the Agency for Regulation and Control of Animal and Plant Health of Ecuador, informed WOAH that the agency will conduct a simulation exercise on Foot and Mouth Disease on 16 and 17 November 2022, in the cities of Quito, Riobamba and Macas.
Technicians from the central and local levels will attend this exercise, which will be based on two main axes:
- The updating of knowledge on Foot and Mouth Disease and disease control activities,
- A theoretical simulation exercise based on a hypothetical scenario.
The aim of this simulation exercise will be to test the reaction capacity in case of an FMD emergency and the implementation of the FMD contingency plan.
This table-top simulation exercise will be organised with the technical cooperation of PANAFTOSA in the Republic of Ecuador.
World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
[email protected]