Dr Matthew Stone, Director Animal and Animal Products, Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) of New Zealand, Wellington, informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on initial biosecurity response procedures, named “Exercise Capricorn” is taking place at the MPI investigation and Diagnostics Centre, Wallaceville Upper Hutt, New Zealand, on 27 June 2013.
The exercise is designed to familiarise our stakeholder animal industries with MPI initial biosecurity response procedures, to explore the use of “National Animal Identification and Tracing” (NAIT) and “FarmsOnLine” (FOL) applications, and to identify opportunities to enhance cooperation between MPI and animal industry groups. The connecting thread throughout the day will be “partnership” and “communications”.
The objectives for this exercise are:
a. to explore joint planning and decision-making by MPI and Animal Industry in an initial biosecurity response;
b. to describe response processes and planning considerations from “Notification” to “Urgent Measures”;
c. to review liaison and communications planning and procedures;
d. to explore the use of NAIT* and FOL** applications in support of an investigation;
e. to identify processes and procedures for further development.
Animal Health Information Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]