Simulation exercise: Swine diseases (enfermedades rojas del cerdo) in Mexico

17 to 20 September

Dr Joaquín Braulio Delgadillo Álvarez, Director general of animal health, Animal and Plant Health, Food Safety and Food Quality National Service (SENASICA*), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA**) of Mexico informed the OIE that a table-top simulation exercise on an emergency caused by swine diseases (more specifically “enfermedades rojas del cerdo***) will take place in Mexico from 17 to 20 September 2018.

The objective of the exercise is to strengthen the technical competencies of the Veterinarian Services in Mexico in compliance with the contingency plans for managing emerging diseases.

This activity is part of the actions for maintaining the official recognition disease status of country free from classical swine fever as well as the self-declaration of country free from African swine fever.

The exercise will be face-to-face and will including group activities. National and Local Veterinary Services in conjunction with pig producers and veterinarians specialized in this species will participate to this exercise.

*SENASICA – Servicio nacional de sanidad, inocuidad y calidad agroalimentaria
**SAGARPA – Secretaría de Agricultura, ganadería, desarrollo rural, pesca y alimentación
***Enfermedades rojas del cerdo: a group of swine diseases or disorders characterized by the    appearance of red skin patch-like exanthema

World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[email protected]