Self-declared Disease Status
In accordance with the provisions of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Terrestrial Code) or the Aquatic Animal Health Code (Aquatic Code), Members may wish to self-declare the freedom of their country, zone or compartment from a disease. A Member wishing to publish its self-declaration for disease-freedom, should provide the relevant documented evidence of compliance with the provisions of the relevant chapters of the Codes.
![Seld-declared disease status ©World Organisation for Animal Health/S.N.Puetate Medina](
WOAH, after performing an administrative and technical screening of a self-declaration concerning the disease-free status of a country, a zone or a compartment (“self-declaration”), as described in the standard operating procedures for self-declarations, reserves the right to publish or not the self-declaration on its website. There shall be no right of appeal from this decision nor any recourse of any kind. The publication by WOAH of a self-declaration on its website does not reflect the official opinion of WOAH. Responsibility for the information contained in a self-declaration lies entirely with the Delegate of the Member concerned. Neither WOAH nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for:
- any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the content of a self-declaration,
- the use which may be made of the information contained in a self-declaration;
- any direct or indirect consequences of any nature arising from or relating to the use of the information contained in a self-declaration.
Publications of self-declaration of disease freedom are handled in an objective and transparent manner, governed by the Standard Operating Procedure here below.
Equine Disease-Free Zone (EDFZ)
Members can also submit for publication, a self-declaration of an Equine Disease-Free Zone (EDFZ). The EDFZ contains an equine population or subpopulation with a specific health status with respect to certain equine diseases for which freedom is declared by the Veterinary Authority. Establishing an EDFZ is a risk-based approach which can be considered by Members planning to host international horse sports competitions. By establishing an EDFZ, disease-risks in the zone can be mitigated in advance for horses to safely enter and return to their countries of origin or to other destinations. Guidelines to support countries in the establishment of an EDFZ and the publication of their self-declaration are available to download:
Recently published self-declarations
Please note that for some self-declarations, PDFs are available only in the original language of submission and for non-active self-declarations the links to the documents have been deactivated. If you wish to select multiple items in the table/dashboard, please click on Ctrl.
*The date in column ‘from’ may differ from the date of the first compliance of a Member with the WOAH international standards. Please review the relevant publication for specific details.
More information on Members’ historical and current animal health situation will soon be available on WAHIS.