Administrative and Financial Resolutions
Adopted by the International Committee of the World Organisation for Animal Health on 23 May 2003
Adopted by the International Committee of the World Organisation for Animal Health on 23 May 2003
Use of a common name for the Office International des Epizooties
Considering the International Agreement for the creation of an Office International des Epizooties in Paris , dated 25 January 1924 , and in particular Article 1 of the said Agreement,
Considering the Organic Rules dated 24 May 1973 , and in particular Article 6 of the said Rules relating to the competence of the International Committee of the OIE,
Considering that the scope of the OIE’s missions has evolved beyond the prevention and control of epizootic diseases to include all animal health issues and their public health implications and management needing to be addressed on a regional or global scale,
Noting the OIE’s permanent role in knowledge of the international animal health situation and in the sanitary safety of world trade in animals and animal products,
The Director General and the Departments of the OIE to use, in all circumstances, alongside the statutory name of the Office, the common name: ” World Organisation for Animal Health “.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 1 June 2001
Contributions by the Least Developed Countries to the OIE Regular Budget
Considering the need to favour the full participation in OIE activities of the Member Countries classified as ‘least developed countries’ (LDCs) by the United Nations Economic and Social Council,
Considering document 69 SG/19, which presents a draft reform proposal in three measures concerning the contributions of LDCs to the OIE Regular Budget,
On the proposal of the Administrative Commission,
1. to call for only 50% of the total of contributions due, in accordance with the six-category scale adopted by the International Committee, from the Member Countries classified as LDCs by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
2. to propose to those Member Countries that are classified in a category either higher or lower than their contribution capabilities, to change category on a voluntary basis. Such changes could become effective as early as 2002.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 21 May 1999
Management of the OIE accounting system in euros
Considering that the Basic Texts on which are founded the operations of the OIE stipulate that calls for contribution, budget estimates and financial accounts are to be made in French francs
Considering that from 1 January 1999 the euro has replaced the French franc and that the transitory period for this replacement will continue until 31 December 2001
The Director General will take all necessary measures to replace the French franc by the euro.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 23 May 1985
OIE Awards
Having heard the proposal of the President of the Committee on OIE awards
To create two OIE awards for service s rendered to international veterinary science, under the following conditions:
a) Gold medal of the OIE
• For outstanding services to international veterinary science, relating to the work of the Office International des Epizooties;
• Award to be in recognition of successful animal health advances related to the objectives of the OIE and associated with the operations and work of the OIE;
• To be limited to a maximum of one award annually.
b) Meritorious Award of the OIE
• For special services to veterinary science or to the work of the Office International des Epizooties;
• Awards not restricted to the objectives or work of the OIE but applicable to all aspects of veterinary science;
• To be limited to a maximum of three awards annually.
• Annual awards are not mandatory.
• Nominations to be made only by Permanent Delegates to the OIE and be advised to the Director General by 1 February each year.
• Awards to be determined by the Administrative Commission, in consultation with the Director General, in February each year.
• Awards to be presented at the General Session.
• Recipients need not be Permanent Delegates to the OIE.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 19 May 1988
Proposed rules concerning the granting of OIE honorary awards
Resolution No. VIII dated 23 May 1985 on the creation of OIE honorary awards, and following examination of document No. 56 SG/10
The proposed rules set out in document No. 56 SG/10 for the granting of OIE honorary awards, subject to amendment to Article 7, to stipulate that each country, in a given year, may present one candidate for each of the two honorary awards.
Appendix 56 SG/10
Rules governing the granting of OIE honorary awards
Chapter I
Honorary awards
Article 1
Under the terms of Resolution No. VIII of 23 May 1985 , the International Committee of the OIE, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Committee’, decided to create two honorary awards and defined the conditions under which they were to be granted. The present Rules clarify the various points contained in the Resolution No. VIII of 23 May 1985.
Article 2
The Gold Medal of the OIE is a mark of international recognition awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves by their outstanding service s in the field of veterinary science, and by their outstanding contribution to the technological and scientific development of activities relating to the objectives of the OIE.
Article 3
A maximum of one Gold Medal shall be awarded each year.
Article 4
The Meritorious Award of the OIE is a mark of international recognition awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves by their technico-scientific and administrative contribution to the control of animal disease and/or to veterinary public health.
Article 5
A maximum of three Meritorious Awards shall be made each year.
Chapter II
Proposal of candidates
Article 6
Eligible candidates are persons who, irrespective of age, sex, profession, nationality and place of residence, fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 2 or Article 4, whose service s have been performed on the territory of one or more Member Countries of the OIE.
Article 7
In any one year, a given country may propose only one candidate for each of the two awards. Candidatures must be sent to the Administrative Commission, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Commission’, through the good offices of the Director General, by the permanent Delegate of the country to the OIE before the 31 December of each year. Candidatures received after the deadline will be considered the following year. The candidature proposal must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae prepared in accordance with the model form appended to the present Rules.
Article 8
In the proposal, the permanent Delegate must clearly state for which of the honorary awards the candidature is being proposed.
Chapter III
Selection of candidates
Article 9
The Director General shall present the candidatures received to the Commission at its first meeting of the year, normally held in February. The Commission chooses the candidates who will receive the honorary awards for the current year.
Article 10
The Commission shall not deliberate unless at least seven of its members are present. Deliberations for each of the two honorary awards shall take place separately, beginning with the Gold Medal.
Article 11
Voting shall be by secret ballot. The recipient(s) shall be designated by a simple majority of the members of the Commission present. In the event of a split vote, the President shall have the casting vote.
Article 12
For the Gold Medal, a second round of voting shall take place if none of the candidates receives a majority in the first round. The second round will be between the two candidates who obtained the most votes in the first round. Ballot papers shall indicate only one name.
Article 13
For the Meritorious Award, three rounds shall be held. Candidates shall not participate in the second and third rounds unless they obtain one or more votes in the previous round without achieving the necessary majority to be designated.
Article 14
In either case, if a simple majority is not obtained, the Commission shall declare that the corresponding honorary award has not been designated.
Article 15
The deliberations of the Commission shall be recorded in the report, which shall be deposited in the archives of the OIE. The names and details of candidates who do not receive an award shall be confidential. Candidates who do not receive an award may be proposed again another year.
Chapter IV
Presentation of awards
Article 16
The Director General shall officially inform both the Delegate of the country that proposed the candidate and the candidate within thirty days following the decision of the Commission.
Article 17
The successful candidates will officially receive their honorary awards on the occasion of the annual General Session of the Committee, preferably during the Opening Session.
Article 18
The OIE shall publish, in its monthly Bulletin , the names of the recipients of the Gold Medal and the Meritorious Award.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 28 May 2004
Creation of a World Animal Health and Welfare Fund
Desirous of facilitating the external funding of certain OIE activities, by means of contributions or support funds paid by public or private bodies or individuals for projects of international public interest within the scope of the activities of the OIE, while maintaining the OIE’s independence and its control over the corresponding operations,
Wishing to facilitate implementation of the provisions of Article 6.2. of the Financial Regulations of the OIE, which entitle the Director General to seek external financing as and when required, while maintaining the independence of the OIE and its control over the corresponding operations,
Noting that Article 14 of the Organic Rules of the OIE, authorises it to receive ‘subscriptions, gifts and legacies from which it may legally benefit’, a provision that echoes Article 6.2. of the Financial Regulations of the OIE, which states that these subsidies, donations and legacies may be accepted by the Director General, ‘on condition that they are provided for purposes compatible with the principles, aims and activities of the Office’, and that, when they ‘directly or indirectly imply financial commitments for the Office, the consent of the Committee shall be necessary’,
Noting also that, according to Article 7 of the Financial Regulations, ‘the subsidies, donations and legacies, the purpose of which has not been defined’, may be entered in the accounts of the OIE to constitute ‘deposit funds and special accounts’, of which the Director General ‘shall clearly define the object and conditions’ governing their creation, if necessary by means of a specific financial regulation,
Considering that it is necessary for all the subsidies, donations and legacies that the Organisation is authorised to receive to be grouped together in a single account entitled ‘World Animal Health and Welfare Fund’, consisting of appropriation accounts, the rules and operating conditions of which must be defined,
Considering the Organic Rules of the OIE, in particular Article 14,
Considering the General Rules of the OIE, in particular Article 28 bis,
Considering the Financial Rules of the OIE, in particular Articles 6 and 7,
Considering the favourable advice of the Administrative Commission expressed during its meeting on 3, 4 and 5 March 2004 ,
Art. 1. A special account, entitled World Animal Health and Welfare Fund, shall be created in the accounts of the OIE, consisting of appropriation accounts intended to receive support funds, in the form of subsidies, donations or legacies paid to the Organisation by third parties.
Art. 2. The World Animal Health and Welfare Fund shall be managed in accordance with the rules of the Fund, which are appended to, and are an integral part of, the present Resolution.
Art. 3. The Director General shall be responsible for implementing the present Resolution. He shall report periodically to the International Committee on its implementation.
Appendix to the Resolution: statutes and operating and management rules of the World Animal Health and Welfare Fund.
Status and functioning mode for the World Animal Health and Welfare Fund
Article 1 – Definition
The World Animal Health and Welfare Fund (the Fund) of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is an OIE special account set up in application of Article 7.3. of the Financial Regulations. It is managed in accordance with the administrative and financial rules of the OIE, subject to the provisions below.
Article 2 – Purpose
The purpose of the special account referred to in Article 1 is to receive and describe the use made of support funds paid by third parties for the purpose of projects of international public utility relating to the control of animal diseases, including those affecting humans, and the promotion of animal welfare and animal production food safety.
The purpose of the Fund is to support:
• implementation of action programmes,
• implementation of training programmes,
• organisation of seminars, conferences and workshops,
• editing and distribution of scientific and technical publications,
• production of information media,
• implementation of basic and applied scientific research programmes,
• OIE Strategic Plans approved by the Member Countries,
• activities of developing countries in the aforementioned fields.
Article 3 – Financing of activities
a) The resources of the Fund shall consist of subsidies, donations and legacies provided by public or private bodies or institutions and private persons.
These support funds shall not give rise to any reciprocal consideration of a political, economic, commercial or administrative nature. The use for which they are intended must be in accordance with the purpose of the Fund, as described in Article 2.
b) Subsidies, donations and legacies assigned to the Fund shall be accepted by the Director General in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 6.2. of the Financial Regulations of the OIE. The Director General shall in each case evaluate the purpose of the funds, verify its compliance with the aims of the OIE and ensure that the use of the said funds will in no way jeopardise the independence of the OIE.
c) The resources of the Fund shall be used under the conditions defined in Articles 4 and 5 below, in accordance with the objectives eventually fixed by the donor and accepted by the Director General.
Article 4 – Management
a) The Director General shall ensure that the Fund is managed in accordance with the financial rules of the OIE and the objectives fixed by the activity programme.
b) The Director General shall be assisted by a Management Committee, chaired by the President of the International Committee of the OIE or in his absence by the Vice President; the Management Committee shall comprise the President and two members designated by the Administrative Commission of the OIE and chosen from among its own members. Representatives of donor bodies may be invited to participate in the work of the Management Committee in a consultative capacity.
c) The Management Committee shall be convened by its Chairman. It establishes the activity programme of the Fund on the proposal of the Director General.
d) The Director General shall inform the Management Committee of the management of funds and the implementation of the activity programme.
e) Administrative expenses shall be reimbursed to the Regular Budget of the OIE upon presentation of the necessary vouchers or in the form of a fixed sum agreed with the donor on the basis of international organisations practices.
f) The available assets of the Fund shall be invested in accordance with the procedures and conditions fixed by Article 9 of the Financial Regulations of the OIE. The Management Committee shall be informed of these investments.
Article 5 – Accounting
a) The accounts of the Fund shall be kept in the same manner as those of the OIE, of which they are an integral part. The following annual statements shall be prepared:
– income statement,
– statement of the financial situation,
– statement showing the implementation of the programme.
b) Within the special account, an appropriation account shall be created to record the use made of each of the duly accepted donations or subsidies.
c) Provisions may be created to help finance activities spread over several financial years.
d) The accounts and the financial operations of the Fund shall be subject to the same internal and external controls as the other accounts and operations of the OIE.
e) For their use, the credit lines available to the Fund in respect of donations and subsidies may be transferred to other special accounts or to the regular budget; cost accounting makes it possible to ensure that the funds thus transferred have been used for the appropriate purpose.
Article 6 – Closure
Closure of the Fund shall be decided upon by the International Committee on the proposal of the Director General and with the approval of the Management Committee.
This decision shall determine, if appropriate, where the assets of the Fund are to be allocated.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 28 May 1993
Emergency intervention fund
Regional programmes
The recommendations made in 1991 by the Strategic Planning Group (Task Force) (Doc. 59 SG/9), in particular with respect to the emergency intervention fund and to regional cooperation with the Veterinary Services of Member Countries
to give the Director General a mandate to seek voluntary contributions from OIE Member Countries in order to develop the activities recommended by the Strategic Planning Group.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 18 May 1990
Emergency Aid
International aid is often indispensable to control emergency situations due to animal disease
This aid is an incentive for countries to rapidly declare these diseases to the OIE
The implantation procedures for emergency aid form donors usually take a certain period of time, which compromises the effectiveness of such aid
To mandate the Director General to examine, with potential donors, the possibility of the OIE intervening immediately until they can take over the emergency programme.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 28 May 1993
Draft Agreements
That the Basic Texts of the OIE, in particular the International Agreement of 1924, make allowance only for countries to join the Office and thus exclude regional organisations which represent these countries
The increasing development worldwide of such regional organisations, especially those promoting economic integration, such as the European Economic Community, the Caribbean Community, the South Pacific Commission, etc.
That technical cooperation links already exist between the OIE and some of the above-mentioned regional organisations
The recommendations made by the OIE International Committee that rules for the international trade of animals and animal products, as well as methods of diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of animal diseases, should be harmonised between the different regions to which the OIE Member Countries belong
The necessity to take these developments into account and, in consequence, to provide modes whereby organisations for economic integration can participate in the functioning of the OIE while respecting the existing texts
to give the Director General a mandate to contact interested organisations for regional economic integration, with a view to preparing draft Agreements on Participation in OIE activities. These draft Agreements will be submitted to the International Committee for approval.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 17 May 1991
Publication of Documents
The need to make public certain reports drawn up during expert consultations held at the request of the OIE
The need to be able to rapidly make use, in certain cases and for certain countries, of the conclusions of these consultations
To authorise the Director General to distribute certain technical reports, which shall include a note to the effect that insofar as the text has not been adopted by the International Committee, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the OIE.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 17 May 1991
Recommendations of the Regional Commissions
The OIE Regional Commissions adopt recommendations on issues relevant to their respective regional interests
The recommendations are carried in the report of the Regional Commission which is submitted to the General Session of the International Committee for endorsement
The recommendations of a Regional Commission may have implications which extend beyond that Region
The Director General should review recommendations adopted by Regional Commissions, and should refer those which have implications beyond the Region concerned to the Presidents of the appropriate Commissions for consideration.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 31 May 2002
Payment to the OIE of the Cost
of Evaluating Member Country Compliance with
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Foot and Mouth Disease,
Rinderpest and Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Chapters of
the International Animal Health Code 1
1. The OIE Third Strategic Plan for the period 2001-2005 stated that a procedure for reimbursing the OIE the cost of evaluating Member Country freedom from foot and mouth disease (FMD), rinderpest and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) be developed, and that an Ad hoc Group of experts on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) would be set up to evaluate applications for freedom from this disease,
2. During the 69th General Session, the International Committee adopted Resolution XV asking Delegates of Member Countries who wish to be evaluated for conformation with the requirements of the International Animal Health Code (the Code ), for BSE free status, to submit a formal request to the Director General of the OIE for consideration by the FMD and Other Epizootics Commission 2. The participation in the OIE procedure will be voluntary and any costs, such as examination of documentation by and convening meetings of designated experts, and country missions, that may be required by these experts will be entirely defrayed by participating countries. However, the OIE Director General is authorised to negotiate a reduced cost for the least developed countries,
3. An Ad hoc Group of experts on BSE has been set up by the OIE and the Group has developed guidelines to facilitate the submission of data by Member Countries in accordance with the requirements in the current edition of the Code,
4. Ad hoc Groups are also planned to evaluate requests from Member Countries for designation by the OIE as free from FMD, Rinderpest and CBPP,
5. The Ad hoc Groups would meet several times each year and there is inadequate funding in the OIE budget to support the cost of these groups,
6. The expenses, including travel of experts, per diem allowances, additional labour of the personnel of the OIE Central Bureau, and other miscellaneous costs amount to nine thousand Euros per application for BSE and seven thousand Euros per application for FMD, Rinderpest and CBPP, respectively,
1. Recovery of most of the costs for Rinderpest evaluation can probably be obtained from other sources.
2. The OIE Director General informs all Delegates wishing to have their countries evaluated for BSE, FMD and CBPP status, of the procedures to be followed and the costs involved.
3. Member Countries applying for this evaluation will submit with their application nine thousand Euros for BSE and seven thousand Euros each for FMD and CBPP. Least developed countries need to submit only half the amounts mentioned. This payment will cover the complete cost of one application for evaluation.
4. The money submitted will not be refunded, even in the case of an application not being approved.
5. Payments mentioned in article 2 will be required only when a country applies for recognition for the first time after adoption of the Resolution. For subsequent applications only half of the initial sum will be charged.
Adopted by the International Committee of the OIE on 27 May 2005
Resolution authorising the Director General of the OIE to propose,
in May 2006, a new mechanism, in order to allow
the Central Bureau and the Regional Representations to implement
the global and regional activities planned by
the Fourth Strategic Plan of the OIE
The International Committee of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
TAKING NOTE of the growing importance of the missions of the Central Bureau and of the Regional Representations, in particular regarding the Fourth Strategic Plan for 2006-2010;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the convenience of raising the contributions of the general budget of the OIE for the financing of the activities of the Central Bureau and of the Regional Representations, and the need to liberate resources for this purpose;
DESIRING TO ensure the coordination and facilitating the development of the activities of the Regional Representations of the OIE;
ESTIMATING, consequently, the convenience of inviting the Director General of the OIE, being in charge of implementing the OIE budget, to propose to the International Committee for the following budgetary year, an increase in the contributions of Member Countries as well as the principles and modalities of their allocation to the financing of the activities of the Central Bureau and of the Regional Representations, actually financed exclusively by the voluntary contributions of some countries, particularly the host countries;
CONSIDERING, that according to the estimates of the Fourth Strategic Plan the product of the increase in contributions should be assigned by halves to the operating expenses of the Central Bureau and of the Regional Representations, respectively;
CONSIDERING, that the convenience of taking into account that the part of the contributions assigned to the Regional Representations will only be based on the contributions effectively paid by the Member Countries;
GIVEN the Organic Rules of the OIE, and in particular articles 13 and 14;
GIVEN the General Rules of the OIE, and in particular chapter III and articles 31, 34, 46, 49 and 50;
GIVEN the Financial Regulations of the OIE, and in particular article 3
GIVEN the Fourth Strategic Plan
Including those already making voluntary contributions for the benefit of regional or global activities of the OIE, to apply the provisions of Article 14 of the Organic Rules, notably those relating to annual complementary contributions.
1. To prepare the budgetary previsions, in accordance with article 3 of the Financial Regulations, so that additional resources are available for the financing of activities of the Central Bureau and of the Regional Representations, in the aim of allowing the implementation of the Fourth Strategic Plan of the OIE.
2. For this purpose, to request and collect the financial contributions of Member States, in compliance with article 31 of the General Rules, including the complementary annual contribution established by the Committee, in compliance with article 14 of the Organic Rules, on the basis of the annual contribution of each Member State.
3. To submit to the International Committee the above propositions, for their examination and adoption, during the 74th General Session – May 2006.
4. To assign, in such case, the complementary resources, in equal proportion, for the financing of the activities of the Central Bureau and of the Regional Representations, taking note of article 5 below.
5. To assign the portion of these resources for the Regional Representations, only on the basis of the contributions effectively paid by the contributing countries of each Regional Commission.
6. That the Regional part of the contribution of countries linked to two or more Regional Commissions will be assigned to the Regional Representation to which the Member Country belonged at the time of its accession to the OIE.
1 Terrestrial Animal Health Code, new denomination since 2003
2 OIE Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (SCAD), R. No. XVII, 22 May 2003