Adopted by the OIE International Committee on 22 May 20031
( in brief “Scientific Commission”)
Terms of Reference, Internal Rules and Qualifications
of the Members
I. Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the OIE Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (SCAD) shall be:
1. To maintain and exchange information on all aspects of terrestrial animal diseases, and to assess recent developments in the practical problems of control and eradication of infectious diseases and the impact of these developments.
2. To provide scientific guidance to the OIE on the development of policies relating to the assessment and control of diseases, notably those with the potential to affect trade in terrestrial animals and their products or affect human health.
3. To assist the Director General (DG) in improving the collection, use and interpretation of statistical information on terrestrial animal diseases, including emerging diseases, for the benefit of OIE Member Countries.
4. To provide up-to-date scientific information to the DG and the other OIE Specialist Commissions, gathered through its own resources or in consultation with scientists, experts and Ad hoc Groups.
5. To advise and assist the DG on problems relating to such diseases, including problems of disease control at the regional and global level.
6. To propose procedures for formally recognising the animal health status of OIE Member Countries.
7. To undertake, on behalf of the International Committee (IC), the assessment of OIE Member Country applications for compliance with OIE standards for freedom from specific terrestrial animal diseases.
8. To identify issues that require in-depth review and propose, to the DG, the composition and terms of reference of experts or Ad hoc Groups of experts convened specifically to study such issues, and if necessary, to participate in the work of these Groups.
9. To advise the DG on the composition and the activities of the Working group on Wildlife diseases and to coordinate its work.
10 To reply to relevant queries relating to the methods for the control of terrestrial animal diseases.
11. To represent the OIE at scientific and specialised conferences upon the request of the DG.
II. Internal Rules
Article 1
The OIE SC shall consist of a Bureau (comprised of a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary General) and three other Members.
Article 2
The IC elects the Members of the Bureau individually and then the other three Members, taking into account the need for a geographically balanced representation, and the need for relevant expertise.
The Members of the Commission are elected for a period of three years.
The mandate of the Commission may be renewed by the IC. Positions should be filled as they fall vacant before elections as indicated in lines 1 to 3.
Article 3
The Commission shall meet at least once a year between the General Sessions of the IC. At least one of the meetings in the year shall be held in conjunction with the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission and if necessary with other Specialist Commissions. A special meeting may be organised immediately prior to the General Session.
Article 4
The Bureau of the Commission shall meet alone at such times and places as may be determined by the DG, in consultation with the President of the Commission.
Article 5
Where appropriate, specialists from national/regional/international organisations and from OIE collaborating centres and reference laboratories, designated by the DG, shall attend certain parts of meetings of the Commission and of the Bureau for topics relating to their field of competence.
Article 6
After each meeting, the Secretary General of the Commission shall provide the DG with a report on the proceedings of the meeting, a draft of a work programme and the proposed dates for the next meeting.
Article 7
The Commission shall make available to the DG, by no later than 1 February of each year, all texts which are to be presented for adoption or comments during the following General Session of the IC. These texts shall be sent by the Central Bureau to Member Countries for examination and comment before the General Session.
Article 8
The President of the Commission will report annually to the IC the activities of the Commission and the draft of the relevant resolutions.
Article 9
All formal correspondence between the Commission and outside individuals or bodies shall be issued through the office of the DG.
Article 10
The Central Bureau shall assist the Secretary General of the Commission in recording meetings of the Commission and preparing reports, notably by providing secretarial support, word-processing equipment and translation services.
Article 11
Unless otherwise decided by the IC, the Commission shall coordinate a Specialist Conference at least once every three years, in consultation with the DG and with the assistance of the Central Bureau, the collaborating centres and reference laboratories of the OIE.
III. Qualifications of the Members
Article 1
Commission Members shall be veterinarians with post-graduate training in a field relevant to the control of infectious diseases of animals.
Article 2
Commission Members shall have a Curriculum Vitae and scientific publication record appropriate to an international specialist in a field or fields relevant to the control of infectious diseases of animals.
Article 3
Commission Members shall have appropriate experience in animal disease control.
( in brief “Laboratories Commission”)
Terms of Reference, Internal Rules and Qualifications
of the Members
I. Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the OIE Biological Standards Commission (OIE BSC) shall be:
1. To propose methods for the diagnosis and prevention of diseases with respect to international trade or movement of terrestrial animals or their products, particularly diseases included in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (the Terrestrial Code )
2. To define standards for biological products, diagnostic preparations, vaccines and immune sera relating to terrestrial animals.
3. To provide, upon request by the International Committee (IC) or the Director General (DG), standard technical procedures for other activities included in the Terrestrial Code .
4. To keep the DG and the IC informed of advances in scientific knowledge that could have implications for the diagnosis and prevention of terrestrial animal diseases and to make recommendations on amendments or additions to the Terrestrial Code, as appropriate.
5. To respond to questions relating to their field of competence from the DG and the IC, and collaborate with the other OIE Specialist Commissions and Working Groups.
6. To edit the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals (the Manual ) relating to terrestrial animals.
7. To identify key note speakers to represent the OIE at international conferences.
8. To develop concepts and tools for capacity building of the veterinary scientific community in particular in developing countries.
9. To advise the DG on the currency of the list of the OIE experts, Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres.
10. To facilitate and work with the network of Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres to achieve OIE’s mandate.
11. To identify issues that require in-depth review and propose, to the DG, the composition and terms of reference of experts or Ad hoc Groups of experts convened specifically to study such issues, and if necessary, to participate in the work of these Groups.
12. To represent the OIE at scientific and specialised conferences upon the request of the DG.
II. Internal Rules
Article 1
The OIE BSC shall consist of a Bureau (comprised of a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary General) and three other Members.
Article 2
The IC elects the Members of the Bureau individually and then the other three Members for a period of three years, taking into account the need for a geographically balanced representation, and the need for relevant expertise.
The mandate of the Members of the Bureau may be renewed by the IC. Positions should be filled as they fall vacant before elections as indicated in lines 1 to 3.
Article 3
The Commission shall meet at least once a year between General Sessions of the IC to finalise standards to be presented to the IC. Wherever necessary, the Commission shall hold joint meetings with other Specialist Commissions. A special meeting may be organised immediately prior to the General Session.
Article 4
The Bureau of the Commission shall meet alone at such times and places as may be determined by the DG, in consultation with the President of the Commission.
Article 5
Where appropriate, specialists from national/regional/international organisations and from OIE collaborating centres and reference laboratories, designated by the DG, shall attend certain parts of meetings of the Commission for topics relating to their field of competence.
Article 6
After each meeting, the Secretary General of the Commission shall provide the DG with a report on the proceedings of the meeting, a draft of a work programme and the proposed dates for the next meeting.
Article 7
The Commission shall make available to the DG, by no later than 1 February of each year, all texts which are to be presented for adoption or comments during the following General Session of the IC. These texts shall be sent by the Central Bureau to Member Countries for examination and comment before the General Session.
Article 8
The President of the Commission will report annually to the IC the activities of the Commission and the draft of the relevant resolutions.
Article 9
When reporting to the IC on the activities of the Commission, the President of the Commission shall present proposals for standards on which Member Countries have been consulted in accordance with Article 7 above.
Article 10
All formal correspondence between the Commission and outside individuals or bodies shall be issued through the office of the DG.
Article 11
The President of the Commission, in concert with the Bureau, shall periodically consult with Member Countries as to whether or not the Manual is continuing to satisfy their needs as an international standard.
Article 12
The Central Bureau shall assist the Secretary General of the Commission in recording meetings of the Commission and preparing reports, notably by providing secretarial support, word-processing equipment and translation services.
III. Qualifications of the Members
Article 1
Commission Members shall be recognised specialists in the field of infectious terrestrial animal diseases diagnosis and/or prevention, particularly in laboratory methods and operations.
Article 2
Commission Members shall have international experience, at the regional or global level, in the area of laboratory diagnosis and/or immunological prevention of infectious animal diseases.
Article 3
Commission Members shall have specialised training in laboratory terrestrial animal disease diagnosis.
( in brief “Code Commission”)
Terms of Reference, Internal Rules and Qualifications
of the Members
I. Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (OIE TAHSC) shall be:
1. To promote the adoption by the International Committee (IC) of animal health (including zoonoses), animal welfare and animal production food safety standards, guidelines and recommendations concerning trade or international movement in mammals, birds and bees, and their products. Such standards, guidelines and recommendations are designed to minimise the risks of transmitting diseases (including zoonoses) while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers.
2. To edit an annual compendium of such standards, guidelines and recommendations (the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code – the Terrestrial Code) in formats and languages as required by the IC.
3. To advise the Director General (DG) on the composition and the activities of the Working Groups on animal welfare and animal production food safety, and to coordinate their work.
4. To develop in collaboration with other OIE Specialist Commissions and with relevant experts:
a) generic chapters in the Terrestrial Code which address general topics such as evaluation of veterinary services, certification, regionalisation, risk analysis methodology, antimicrobial resistance and which are in harmony with similar recommendations in the Aquatic Animal Health Code
b) disease-specific chapters and appendices in the Terrestrial Code which are maintained current with the latest scientific information, and which provide clear guidance to users on terrestrial animal diseases on the OIE lists of notifiable diseases.
5. To identify issues that require in-depth review and propose, to the DG, the composition and terms of reference of experts or Ad hoc Groups of experts convened specifically to study such issues, and if necessary, to participate in the work of these Groups.
6. To advise the DG on issues relevant to its work arising or being discussed in other international organisations (such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the International Plant Protection Convention and the WTO) or fora.
7. To represent the OIE at scientific and specialised conferences upon the request of the DG.
II. Internal Rules
Article 1
The OIE TAHSC shall consist of a Bureau (comprised of a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary General) and three other Members.
Article 2
The IC selects the Members of the Bureau individually and then the other three members, taking into account the need for a geographically balanced representation, and the need for relevant expertise.
The members of the Commission are elected for a period of three years.
The mandate of the Commission Members may be renewed. Positions should be filled as they fall vacant before elections as indicated in lines 1 to 3.
Article 3
The Commission shall meet at least once during the year to review comments from Members, to revise chapters as appropriate, and to finalise chapters to be presented to the International Committee. At least one of the meetings in the year shall be held in conjunction with the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases and the Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission and if necessary with other Specialist Commissions. A special meeting may be organised immediately prior to the General Session.
Article 4
The Bureau of the Commission shall meet as often as the DG considers necessary, at a venue determined by the DG, in consultation with the President of the Commission.
Article 5
Where appropriate, specialists from national/regional/international organisations and from OIE collaborating centres and reference laboratories, appointed by the DG, shall attend certain parts of meetings of the Commission or Bureau for particular topics in relating to their field of competence.
Article 6
After each meeting, the Secretary General of the Commission shall provide the Director General with a report of the proceedings of the meeting, a draft of a work programme and the proposed dates for the next meeting.
Article 7
The Commission shall make available to the Director General, by no later than 1 February each year, all texts which are to be presented for adoption or comments during the following General Session of the IC. These texts shall be sent by the Central Bureau to Member Countries for examination and comment before the General Session.
Article 8
The President of the Commission will report annually to the IC the activities of the Commission and the draft of the relevant resolutions.
Article 9
When reporting to the IC on the activities of the Commission, the President of the Commission shall present, in the form of chapters of the Terrestrial Code , proposed final texts on which Member Countries have been consulted, in accordance with Article 7 above.
Article 10
All formal correspondence between the Commission and outside individuals or bodies shall be issued through the office of the DG.
Article 11
The President of the Commission, in concert with the Bureau, shall periodically consult with Member Countries as to whether or not the contents of the Terrestrial Code are continuing to satisfy their needs as international standards.
Article 12
The Central Bureau shall assist the Secretary General of the Commission in recording meetings of the Commission and preparing reports, notably by providing secretarial support, word-processing equipment and translation services.
III. Qualifications of the Members
Commission members shall be veterinarians with a broad knowledge of the major diseases of animals, experience and expertise in the animal health aspects of international trade in animals and animal products, and an understanding and practical experience of the relevant international trading rules.
( in brief “Aquatic Animals Commission”)
Terms of Reference, Internal Rules and Qualifications
of the Members
I. Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission (OIE AAHSC) shall be:
1. To propose the most appropriate methods for surveillance, diagnosis and disease prevention for sanitary security of trade or international movement of aquatic animals and their products covering diseases listed in the Aquatic Animal Health Code (the Aquatic Code). The standards and methods should reduce the risk of the introduction of pathogens into importing countries while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers.
2. To promote the dissemination among Veterinary and other Competent Authorities of information on aquatic animal diseases. For this purpose, standards and guidelines are also provided in the Aquatic Animal Health Code and Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals (the Aquatic Manual).
3. To keep the International Committee (IC) and the DG informed of scientific progress on methods for surveillance, diagnosis and disease prevention likely to improve the prevention and the control of aquatic animal diseases, and to formulate proposals for updating the Aquatic Code and the Aquatic Manual.
4. To develop in collaboration with other OIE Specialist Commissions and with relevant experts:
a) generic chapters in the Aquatic Code which address general topics such as evaluation of veterinary services, certification, regionalisation, risk analysis methodology, antimicrobial resistance and which are in harmony with similar recommendations in the Terrestrial Code
b) disease-specific chapters and appendices in the Aquatic Code and the Aquatic Manual which are maintained current with the latest scientific information, and which provide clear guidance to users on aquatic animal diseases in the OIE list of notifiable diseases and on laboratory diagnostic methods.
5. To identify issues that require in-depth review and propose, to the DG, the composition and terms of reference of experts or Ad hoc Groups of experts convened specifically to study such issues, and if necessary, to participate in the work of these Groups.
6. To advise the DG on issues relevant to its work arising or being discussed in other international organisations or fora.
7. To reply to all relevant queries made by the DG, the IC or other OIE Commissions.
8. To advise the DG on the currency of the list of the OIE experts, reference laboratories and collaborating centres.
9. To facilitate and work with the worldwide network of reference laboratories and collaborating centres in the field of aquatic animals, so as to achieve OIE’s mandate.
10. To represent the OIE at scientific and specialised conferences upon the request of the DG.
II. Internal Rules
Article 1
The OIE AADC shall consist of a Bureau (comprised of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary General) and three other Members.
Article 2
The IC elects the Members of the Bureau individually and then the other three members, taking into account the need for a geographically balanced representation, and the need for relevant expertise in diseases of fish, molluscs and crustaceans.
The members of the Commission are elected for a period of three years.
The mandate of the Commission members may be renewed by the IC. Positions should be filled as they fall vacant before elections as indicated in lines 1 to 3.
Article 3
The Commission shall meet at least once a year between General Sessions of the IC to finalise proposals to be presented to the IC. Wherever necessary, the Commission shall hold joint meetings with the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission or other Specialist Commissions. A special meeting may be organised immediately prior to the General Session.
Article 4
The Bureau of the Commission shall meet alone at such times and places as may be determined by the DG, in consultation with the President of the Commission.
Article 5
Where appropriate, specialists from national/regional/international organisations and from OIE collaborating centres and reference laboratories, designated by the DG, will attend certain parts of meetings of the Commission and of the Bureau for particular topics in relating to the field of competence.
Article 6
After each meeting, the Secretary General of the Commission shall provide the DG with a report on the proceedings of the meeting, a draft of a work programme and the proposed dates for the next meeting.
Article 7
The Commission shall make available to the DG, by no later than 1 February of each year, all texts which are to be presented for adoption or comments during the following General Session of the IC. These texts shall be sent by the Central Bureau to Member Countries for examination and comment before the General Session.
Article 8
The President of the Commission will report annually to the IC the activities of the Commission and the draft of the relevant resolutions.
Article 9
When reporting to the IC on the activities of the Commission, the President of the Commission shall present proposals on which Member Countries have been consulted in accordance with Article 7 above.
Article 10
All formal correspondence between the Commission and outside individuals or bodies shall be issued through the office of the DG.
Article 11
The President of the Commission, in concert with the Bureau, shall periodically consult with Member Countries as to whether or not the contents of the Aquatic Code or the Aquatic Manual are continuing to satisfy their needs as international standards.
Article 12
The Central Bureau shall assist the Secretary General of the Commission in recording meetings of the Commission and preparing reports, notably by providing secretarial support, word-processing equipment and translation services.
III. Qualifications of the Members
Article 1
Commission Members shall be internationally recognised specialists in the fields of methods for surveillance, diagnosis and prevention of infectious aquatic animal diseases.
Article 2
Commission Members shall have extensive international experience, at the regional or global level, of aquatic animal infectious disease surveillance, diagnosis, control and disease prevention methods.
1 Resolution No. XVII of 22 May 2003