Agreement with the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP)


Adopted by the IFAP and by the OIE on 12 July 2005

1. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), hereinafter referred to as the OIE, and the International Federation of Agricultural Producers, hereinafter referred to as IFAP, will keep the other party informed of its activities which may be of mutual interest.

2. Each organisation will invite the other party to participate as an observer in conferences and seminars where matters of mutual interest may arise, and make the reports of these meetings available to the other party.

3. The OIE and IFAP will exchange their catalogue of available publications to enable both organizations to request publications on activities related to their work. The OIE and IFAP will exchange free copies of documents and publications on subjects of mutual interest. Both organizations will benefit from the concessionary rates applied to their affiliated members or organizations for further orders of publications.

4. The two organisations will endeavour to cooperate further through both formal and informal consultations on issues of common interest, in particular on the issues listed below.

Issues of common interest:

  • The provision of general information on the livestock sector, particularly on its relations and interactions with official veterinary services and their designated representatives, and animal health and welfare and public health issues
  • Exchange of views on the development and revision of international standards and guides to good practice on animal health, zoonoses, animal production food safety, and animal welfare relevant to international trade
  • Exchange of views on relevant aspects of animal health, traceability, zoonoses, animal welfare and animal production food safety, in particular with regard to the position and role of producers
  • Exchange of views on the approach by intergovernmental bodies such as WHO, FAO and their subsidiary bodies (Codex Alimentarius Commission) to animal disease and zoonosis surveillance and control strategies which may impact on the production and trade of animals and animal products and affect livestock producers
  • Exchange of views on communication strategies, in particular in cases of health emergencies
  • Arrangement, with due respect for the procedures of both parties, for experts of each organisation to participate in meetings of Commissions and working groups of mutual interest of the other organisation on relevant items on the agenda of these meetings


David King

 Bernard Vallat

Secretary General of IFAP

Director General of the OIE