Terrestrial Animal Health Code |
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
General provisions
The recommendations in this chapter are intended to manage the human and animal health risks associated with infection of animals with a member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M. tuberculosis) complex.
For the purposes of the Terrestrial Code, M. tuberculosis complex comprises M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis, but excludes vaccine strains.
Many different domestic and wild animal species belonging to diverse mammalian taxa are known to be susceptible to infection with M. tuberculosis complex. Their epidemiological significance depends on the degree of susceptibility, the husbandry system, the density, spatial distribution and ecology of populations as well as the pathogenesis and transmission pathways. In some geographical regions, certain wild animal species can act as reservoirs.
For the purposes of this chapter, 'animals' means domestic and captive wild animal populations of the following categories:
bovids: this term means bovines (Bos taurus, B. indicus, B. frontalis, B. javanicus and B. grunniens), water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), and bison (Bison bison and B. bonasus);
cervids: this term means red deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus), wapiti/elk (C. elaphus canadensis), sika (C. nippon), samba (C. unicolorunicolor), rusa (C. timorensis), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), fallow deer (Dama dama), white-tailed, black-tailed and mule deer (Odocoileus spp.) and reindeer/caribou (Rangifer tarandus);
goats (Capra hircus);
New World camelids: this term means alpacas (Lama guanicoe pacos) and llamas (Lama guanicoe glama).
The chapter deals not only with the occurrence of clinical signs caused by infection with M. tuberculosis complex, but also with the presence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex in the absence of clinical signs.
For the purposes of the Terrestrial Code, the following defines the occurrence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex:
a member of M. tuberculosis complex has been identified in a sample from an animal or a product derived from that animal;
positive results to a diagnostic test have been obtained and there is an epidemiological link to a case of infection with M. tuberculosis complex or there is other reason to suspect infection with M. tuberculosis complex.
When authorising import or transit of commodities listed in this chapter, with the exception of those listed in Article 8.12.2., Veterinary Authorities should require the conditions prescribed in this chapter relevant to the M. tuberculosis complex infection status of the animal population of the country, zone or herd of origin.
Standards for diagnostic tests are described in the Terrestrial Manual.
Safe commodities
When authorising import or transit of the following commodities, Veterinary Authorities should not require any M. tuberculosis complex-related conditions, regardless of the M. tuberculosis complex infection status of the animal populations of the country, zone or herd of origin:
fresh meat and meat products originating from animals that have been subjected to ante- and post-mortem inspections as described in Chapter 6.3.;
cured hides, skins and trophies;
gelatine, collagen, tallow and protein meal.
Country or zone historically free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in specified animal categories
A country or zone may be considered historically free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in specified animal categories when the requirements in Article 1.4.6. have been met for the relevant animal categories.
Country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids
To qualify as free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids,
a country or zone should
satisfy the following requirements:
infection in animals
is a notifiable disease in
the entire country;
a surveillance programme
based on regular testing of all herds has been
in place for at least three years and for the past three years this
testing has demonstrated that infection with M. tuberculosis complex was not present
in at least 99.8% of the herds representing
at least 99.9% of the bovids in the country or zone;
a surveillance programme
in accordance with Chapter 1.4. is
in place to detect infection with M. tuberculosis complex in the country
or zone through
ante- and post-mortem inspections of bovids as described in Chapter 6.3.;
regulatory measures have been implemented
for the early detection of infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids;
bovids and their germplasm introduced into
the country or zone comply
with the recommendations in Articles 8.12.7., 8.12.10. and 8.12.12.
To maintain the status as free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids,
a country or zone should satisfy
the following requirements:
the requirements in points 1 a), 1 c), 1 d) and 1 e) above are met;
a surveillance programme based on regular testing of bovids is in place in the country or zone to detect infection with M. tuberculosis complex in accordance with Article 1.4.4.;
once the surveillance programme described in point b) has demonstrated that infection with M. tuberculosis complex has not been present in at least 99.8% of the herds representing 99.9% of the bovids in the country or zone for two consecutive years, surveillance may be maintained through ante- and post-mortem inspections as described in Chapter 6.3.
The country or zone status of free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids is not affected by the occurrence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex in other animal categories or feral or wild animals provided that measures intended to prevent transmission of infection with M. tuberculosis complex to bovids have been implemented and are periodically reassessed.
Country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in cervids
To qualify as free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in cervids, a country or zone should satisfy the following requirements:
infection with M. tuberculosis complex in animals is a notifiable disease in the entire country;
regular testing of all cervid herds has been in place for at least three years and for the past three years this testing has demonstrated that infection with M. tuberculosis complex was not present in at least 99.8% of the herds representing at least 99.9% of the cervids in the country or zone;
a surveillance programme is in place to detect infection with M. tuberculosis complex in the country or zone through ante- and post-mortem inspections as described in Chapter 6.3.;
regulatory measures have been implemented for the early detection of infection with M. tuberculosis complex in cervids;
cervids and their germplasm introduced into the country or zone comply with the recommendations in Articles 8.12.7., 8.12.11. and 8.12.12.
To maintain the status as free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in cervids, a country or zone should satisfy the following requirements:
the requirements in points 1 a), 1 c), 1 d) and 1 e) above are met;
a surveillance programme based on regular testing of cervids is in place in the country or zone to detect infection with M. tuberculosis complex in accordance with Article 1.4.4.;
once the surveillance programme described in point b) has demonstrated that infection with M. tuberculosis complex has not been present in at least 99.8% of the herds representing 99.9% of the cervids in the country or zone for two consecutive years, surveillance may be maintained through ante- and post-mortem inspections as described in Chapter 6.3.
The country or zone status free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in cervids is not affected by the occurrence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex in other animal categories or feral or wild animals provided that measures intended to prevent transmission of infection with M. tuberculosis complex to cervids have been implemented and are periodically reassessed.
Herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids or cervids
To qualify as free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex, a herd of bovids or cervids should satisfy the following requirements:
the herd is in a country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in bovids or in cervids and is certified free by the Veterinary Authority;
the herd satisfies the following requirements:
infection with M. tuberculosis complex in animals is a notifiable disease in the entire country;
no occurrence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex has been detected in the herd for at least the past 12 months;
bovids or cervids in the herd have shown no clinical signs of infection with M. tuberculosis complex or lesions at ante- or post-mortem inspections for at least the past 12 months;
two tests have been performed with negative results at a minimum interval of six months on all bovids or cervids over six weeks of age present in the herd at the time of testing. The first test was performed at least six months after the removal of the last case;
bovids or cervids and their germplasm introduced into the herd comply with Articles 8.12.7., 8.12.10., 8.12.11. and 8.12.12.;
for at least the past 12 months, there has been no occurrence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex in other herds of the same establishments or measures have been implemented to prevent any transmission of infection with M. tuberculosis complex from these other herds.
To maintain the free status, either:
the requirements in point 1 a) are met;
the requirements in points 1 b) i) to iii), v) and vi) are met and bovids or cervids in the herd:
showed a negative result to an annual test to ensure the continuing absence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex; OR
showed a negative result to a test every two years to ensure the continuing absence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex if it has been confirmed that the annual percentage of herds infected with M. tuberculosis complex is not more than 1% of all herds in the country or zone during the past two years; OR
showed a negative result to a test every three years to ensure the continuing absence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex if it has been confirmed that the annual percentage of herds infected with M. tuberculosis complex is not more than 0.2% of all herds in the country or zone during the past four years; OR
showed a negative result to a test every four years to ensure the continuing absence of infection with M. tuberculosis complex if it has been confirmed that the annual percentage of herds infected with M. tuberculosis complex is not more than 0.1% of all herds in the country or zone during the past six years;
the requirements in points 1 b) i) to iii), v) and vi) are met; and
the risk of transmission of infection with M. tuberculosis complex from known wildlife reservoirs has been assessed through active surveillance;
all herds identified as being at risk are subjected to a testing programme commensurate with the assessed epidemiological risk of infection with M. tuberculosis complex. In identifying herds at risk, the following should be considered:
Recommendations for the importation of bovids or cervids for breeding or rearing
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that the bovids or cervids:
showed no clinical signs of infection with M. tuberculosis complex on the day of shipment;
originate from a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex that is in a country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex; or
originate from a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex and have been tested for infection with M. tuberculosis complex with negative results within 30 days prior to shipment; or
have been isolated for at least six months prior to shipment including protection from contact with any reservoir of M. tuberculosis complex and all isolated animals showed negative results to at least two consecutive tests carried out at a six-month interval, with the second test performed within 30 days prior to shipment.
Recommendations for the importation of goats for breeding or rearing
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that:
infection with M. tuberculosis complex in animals is a notifiable disease in the entire country;
the goats showed no clinical signs of infection with M. tuberculosis complex on the day of shipment;
the goats have been kept since birth in herds in which no case of infection with M. tuberculosis complex has been detected for the past three years; or
have been isolated for at least six months prior to shipment including protection from contact with any reservoir of M. tuberculosis complex and all isolated animals showed negative results to at least two consecutive tests carried out at a six-month interval, with the second test performed within 30 days prior to shipment.
Recommendations for the importation of bovids or cervids for slaughter
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that the bovids or cervids:
showed no clinical signs of infection with M. tuberculosis complex on the day of shipment;
originate from a country, zone or herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex; or
are not being culled as part of an eradication programme against infection with M. tuberculosis complex and were tested for infection with M. tuberculosis complex with negative results within 30 days prior to shipment.
Recommendations for the importation of semen of bovids
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that:
the donor males showed no clinical signs of infection with M. tuberculosis complex on the day of collection of the semen;
the donor males:
were kept in a semen collection centre complying with the provisions of Chapter 4.6. and complied with Article 4.7.2.; or
were kept in a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex that is in a country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex; or
were kept in a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex and showed negative results to a test performed within 30 days prior to collection of the semen, which was collected, processed and stored in accordance with Articles 4.6.4. and 4.6.5.
Recommendations for the importation of semen of cervids
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that:
the donor males showed no clinical signs of infection with M. tuberculosis complex on the day of collection of the semen;
the donor males either:
were kept in a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in a country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex; or
were kept in a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex and showed negative results to a test performed within 30 days prior to collection of the semen, which was collected, processed and stored in accordance with Articles 4.6.4. and 4.6.5.
Recommendations for the importation of embryos of bovids or cervids
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that:
the donor females either:
originated from a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex in a country or zone free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex; or
were kept in a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex, and were subjected to a test for infection with M. tuberculosis complex with negative results during an isolation period of 30 days in the establishment of origin prior to collection;
the semen used for embryo production complied with Article 8.12.10. or Article 8.12.11.;
the embryos were collected, processed and stored in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapters 4.8. to 4.10.
Recommendations for the importation of milk and milk products of bovids
Veterinary Authorities of importing countries should require the presentation of an international veterinary certificate attesting that the milk or milk products:
have been derived from bovids in a herd free from infection with M. tuberculosis complex; or
were subjected to pasteurisation or any combination of control measures with equivalent performance as described in the Codex Alimentarius Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products.
nb: first adopted in 1968; most recent update adopted in 2017.
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