Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Chapter 5.9. SECTION 5. Chapter 5.11.

Chapter 5.10.

Model veterinary certificates for international trade in live animals, hatching eggs and products of animal origin

Article 5.10.1.

Notes for guidance on the veterinary certificates for international trade in live animals, hatching eggs and products of animal origin

  1. General

    Please complete the certificate on paper in capitals. To confirm an option, mark the box with a cross (X). Ensure that no portion of certificate is left blank in a manner that would allow it to be amended. Non-applicable fields may be crossed out.


  2. Part I. Details of dispatched consignment

    Country:Name of the country that issues the certificate.
    Box I.1.Name and full address of the natural or legal person dispatching the consignment. Information on telephone and fax numbers or e-mail address is recommended.
    Box I.2.The certificate reference number is the number used by the Veterinary Authority of the country to identify the certificate.
    Box I.3.Name of the Veterinary Authority.
    Box I.4.Name and full address of the natural or legal person to whom the consignment is destined at the time the certificate is issued.
    Box I.5.Name of the country from which the animals, hatching eggs, oocytes, embryos, semen or brood combs are being exported. For products, name the countries where the finished products were produced, manufactured or packed.
    “ISO code” refers to the international standard two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code) for a country produced by the International Organization for Standardization.
    Box I.6.Name of the zone or compartment of origin, if relevant, in part II of the certificate.
    Box I.7.Name of the country of destination. “ISO code” refers to the international standard two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code) for a country produced by the International Organization for Standardization.
    Box I.8.Name of the zone or compartment of destination, if relevant, in part II of the certificate.
    Box I.9.Name and full address of the places from which the animals or products are being exported; and official approval or registration number when required.
    For animals and hatching eggs: the establishments, wildlife or hunting reserves.
    For semen: the artificial insemination centre.
    For oocytes and embryos: the name, address and official approval number of the collection team (not the premises of storage).
    Box I.9. (contd)For products of animal origin: the premises from which the products are to be dispatched.
    Box I.10.Name of the place from which the animals or products are being shipped (this will be a land, sea or airport).
    Box I.11.Date of departure. For animals include the expected time of departure.
    Box I.12.Details of the means of transport.
    Identification of the means of transport at the time the certificate is issued: for air transport, the flight number; for maritime transport, the name of the vessel; for rail transport, the number of the train and the wagon and for road transport, the registration number of the road vehicle and the number of the trailer where used.
    Box I.13.Name of expected border post and, if available, its UN/LOCODE (refer to the United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations).
    Box I.14.CITES permit numbers if the commodity concerns species listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
    Box I.15.Describe the commodity or use the titles as they appear in the Harmonised System of the World Customs Organization.
    Box I.16.Heading or HS Code of the Harmonized System set up by the World Customs Organization.
    Box I.17.Total quantity of the commodity.
    For animals, hatching eggs and animal products (semen, oocytes, embryos) give the total count of animals, eggs or straws.
    For products give the gross weight and the net weight in kg of the whole consignment.
    Box I.18.Temperature of products for transport and storage.
    Box I.19.Total number of boxes, cages or stalls in which the animals or hatching eggs are being transported. Total number of cryogenic containers for semen, oocytes, embryos. Total number of packages for products.
    Box I.20.Identify the containers/seal numbers where required.
    Box I.21.Identify the type of packaging of products as defined in Recommendation No. 21 – Code of Passengers, Type of Cargo, Package and Packaging Materials of UN/CEFACT (United Nation Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business).
    Box I.22.Intended use of the imported animals or products.
    Breeding/rearing: applies to animal for breeding or rearing and hatching eggs.
    Slaughter: applies to animal for slaughter.
    Wildlife management: applies to wildlife for the purpose of managing populations.
    Pet: applies to animals kept for companionship or enjoyment. This excludes livestock species.
    Exhibition/education: applies to animals exhibited in zoos, circuses or sporting activities or for educational purposes.
    Human consumption: applies to products intended for human consumption.
    Animal feed: means any product of animal origin (single or multiple), whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended to be fed to animals.
    Further processing: applies to products of animal origin which have to be further processed before being suitable for end use.
    Technical use: applies to products not intended for human or animal consumption. These include animal products that are intended for use in the pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic and other industries. Such products may be subjected to extensive further processing.
    Other: intended for purposes not listed elsewhere in this classification.
    Box I.23.Mark, if appropriate.
    Box I.24.Details on the nature of the commodity sufficient to identify it.
    For animals and hatching eggs: Species (scientific name); Identification system; Identification number or other identification details; Quantity and if required, Breed / Category (e.g. heifer, steer, layer, broiler); Age; Sex. For animals holding an official passport, the international animal passport number should be provided, and a copy of the details on the passport attached to the certificate.
    For oocytes, embryos and semen: Species (Scientific name); Identification mark in accordance with the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) or the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR); Collection date; Approval number of the centre/team; Identification of the donor animal; Quantity. If required, Breed.
    For bees and brood combs: Category means hive with bees, swarm, consignment of bees (worker bees, drones), queen bees, brood-combs, royal cells, etc. Identification details include peculiarities (e.g. Marks or age or weight or surface). Breed / Variety if required.
    For products of animal origin: Species (Scientific name); Nature of commodity; Treatment type; approval number of establishments (e.g. slaughterhouse/abattoir; cutting plant; processing plant; cold store); Lot identification/date code; Quantity; Number of packages; Net weight.
  3. Part II. Zoosanitary information

    Box II.Complete this part in accordance with the requirements agreed between the Veterinary Authorities of the importing and exporting countries in accordance with the recommendations in the Terrestrial Code.
    Box II.a.Reference number: see box I.2.
    Official veterinarianName, address, official position, date of signature and official stamp of the Veterinary Services.

Article 5.10.2.

Model veterinary certificate for international trade in live animals and hatching eggs


Part I: Details of dispatched consignmentI.1. Consignor:
I.2. Certificate reference number:
I.3. Veterinary Authority:
I.4. Consignee:
I.5. Country of origin:
ISO Code*:
I.6. Zone or compartment of origin**:
I.7. Country of destination:
ISO Code*:
I.8. Zone or compartment of destination**:
I.9. Place of origin:
I.10. Place of shipment:I.11. Date of departure:
I.12. Means of transport:I.13. Expected border post:
Aeroplane □   Ship □   Railway wagon □

Road vehicle □  Other □

I.14. CITES permit No(s)**:

I.15. Description of commodity:

I.16. Commodity code (HS code):
I.17. Total quantity:
I.19. Total number of packages:
I.20. Identification of container/seal number:
I.22. Commodities intended for use as:

Breeding/rearing  □            Competition □          Slaughter □       Wildlife management □

Pets  □              Exhibition/education □             Other □
I.23. For import or admission:

Definitive import  □              Re-entry □               Temporary admission □
I.24. Identification of commodities:
Species (Scientific name):    Breed*/Category*:Identification system:
Identification number/details:   Age*:Sex*:

* Optional.

** If referenced in Part II.


Part II: Zoosanitary informationII.a. Certificate reference number:
The undersigned Official Veterinarian certifies that the animals and hatching eggs described above satisfy the following requirements:
Official Veterinarian:
Name and address (in capital letters):Official position:


Article 5.10.3.

Model veterinary certificate for international trade in oocytes, embryos or semen


Part I: Details of dispatched consignmentI.1. Consignor:
I.2. Certificate reference number:
I.3. Veterinary Authority:
I.4. Consignee:
I.5. Country of origin:
ISO Code*:
I.6. Zone or compartment of origin**:
I.7. Country of destination:
ISO Code*:
I.8. Zone or compartment of destination**:
I.9. Place of origin:
I.10. Place of shipment:I.11. Date of departure:
I.12. Means of transport:I.13. Expected border post:
Aeroplane  □   Ship  □   Railway wagon  □

Road vehicle □  Other   □

I.14. CITES permit No(s)**:

I.15. Description of commodity:

I.16. Commodity code (HS code):
I.17. Total quantity:
I.18. Temperature of the product:

Ambient □     Chilled □     Frozen  □
I.19. Total number of packages:
I.20. Identification of container/seal number:
I.21. Type of packaging:
I.22. Commodities intended for use as:

Human consumption  □            Animal feed □             Further processing  □         Technical use □                  Other □
I.24. Identification of commodities:
Species (Scientific name):        Nature of commodity*:        Treatment type:

Approval of number of establishments:

Number of packages:        Net weight:                  Lot ID/date code:

* Optional.

** If referenced in Part II.


Part II: Zoosanitary informationII.a. Certificate reference number:
The undersigned Official Veterinarian certifies that the oocytes, embryos and semen described above satisfy the following requirements:
Official Veterinarian:
Name and address (in capital letters):Official position:


Article 5.10.4.

Model veterinary certificate for international trade in products of animal origin


Part I: Details of dispatched consignmentI.1. Consignor:
I.2. Certificate reference number:
I.3. Veterinary Authority:
I.4. Consignee:
I.5. Country of origin:
ISO Code*:
I.6. Zone or compartment of origin**:
I.7. Country of destination:
ISO Code*:
I.8. Zone or compartment of destination**:
I.9. Place of origin:
I.10. Place of shipment:I.11. Date of departure:
I.12. Means of transport:I.13. Expected border post:
Aeroplane  □   Ship  □   Railway wagon  □

Road vehicle □  Other   □

I.14. CITES permit No(s)**:

I.15. Description of commodity:

I.16. Commodity code (HS code):
I.17. Total quantity:
I.18. Temperature of the product:

Ambient □     Chilled □     Frozen  □
I.19. Total number of packages:
I.20. Identification of container/seal number:
I.21. Type of packaging:
I.22. Commodities intended for use as:

Human consumption  □            Animal feed □             Further processing  □      
Technical use □                     Other □
I.24. Identification of commodities:
Species (Scientific name):        Nature of the commodity:         Treatment type:
                      Approval number of establishments:
Number of packages:                Net weight:             Lot ID/date code:

* Optional.

** If referenced in Part II.


Part II: Zoosanitary informationII.a. Certificate reference number:
The undersigned Official Veterinarian certifies that the products of animal origin described above satisfy the following requirements:
Official Veterinarian:
Name and address (in capital letters):Official position:


Article 5.10.5.

Model veterinary certificate for international trade in bees and brood combs


Part I: Details of dispatched consignmentI.1. Consignor:
I.2. Certificate reference number:
I.3. Veterinary Authority:
I.4. Consignee:
I.5. Country of origin:
ISO Code*:
I.6. Zone or compartment of origin**:
I.7. Country of destination:
ISO Code*:
I.8. Zone or compartment of destination**:
I.9. Place of origin:
I.10. Place of shipment:I.11. Date of departure:
I.12. Means of transport:I.13. Expected border post:
Aeroplane  □   Ship  □   Railway wagon  □

Road vehicle □  Other   □

I.14. CITES permit No(s)**:

I.15. Description of commodity:

I.16. Commodity code (HS code):
I.17. Total quantity:
I.19. Total number of packages:
I.20. Identification of container/seal number:
I.22. Commodities intended for use as:
         Breeding/rearing □                                 Other □
I.24. Identification of commodities:
Category:                Breed*/Variety*:
Quantity:Identification details:

* Optional.

** If referenced in Part II.


Part II: Zoosanitary informationII.a. Certificate reference number:
The undersigned Official Veterinarian certifies that the bees and brood combs described above satisfy the following requirements:
Official Veterinarian:
Name and address (in capital letters):Official position:


nb: first adopted in 1968; most recent update adopted in 2011.

2024 ©OIE - Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Chapter 5.9. Chapter 5.11.