Terrestrial Animal Health Code |
Model veterinary certificate for international trade in laboratory animals
Introduction and scope
Transportation of laboratory animals between institutes is a specialised and important activity supporting scientific research. The use, and transportation, of laboratory animals is essential to some types of medical and veterinary research.
The majority of laboratory animals used and transported are rats, mice, and fish. Other species, including guinea pigs, ferrets, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, cats, dogs, pigs, amphibians, and a few species of non-human primates are used in relatively small numbers.
This chapter applies to all animals except bees.
Notes for guidance on the use of the veterinary certificate
Please complete the certificate on paper in capitals. To confirm an option, mark the box with a cross (X). Ensure that no portion of certificate is left blank in a manner that would allow it to be amended. Non-applicable fields may be crossed out.
Part I. Details of consignment for export
Country: | Name of the country issuing the certificate. |
Box I.1. | Name and full address of the natural or legal person dispatching the consignment. It is recommended to provide contact information, such as telephone and fax numbers or e-mail address. |
Box I.2. | The certificate reference number used by the Veterinary Authority of the country issuing the certificate. |
Box I.3. | Name of the Veterinary Authority. |
Box I.4. | Name and full address of the natural or legal person to whom the consignment is destined. |
Box I.5. | Name of the country from which the consignment is being exported. "ISO code" refers to the international standard two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code) for a country produced by the International Organization for Standardization. |
Box I.6. | Name of the zone or compartment of origin, if given in part III of the certificate (in accordance with Chapter 4.4. of the Terrestrial Code). |
Box I.7. | Name of the country of destination. "ISO code" refers to the international standard two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code) for a country produced by the International Organization for Standardization. |
Box I.8. | Name of the zone or compartment of destination, if given in part III of the certificate (in accordance with Chapter 4.4. of the Terrestrial Code). |
Box I.9. | Name and full address of the places from which the animals are being exported; and official approval or registration number when required. |
Box I.10. | Name of the air, land or sea facility from which the consignment is being shipped. |
Box I.11. | Date of departure and, if known, expected time of departure. |
Box I.12. | Identify the means of transport if known at the time of issuance of the certificate. The flight number, airline and airport designation (for air transport). The name and address of the carrier (for road transport). The name and contact details of the emergency contact person. |
Box I.13. | Name of border post to which the consignment is directed. It is also recommended to provide the border post's United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations - see http://live.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/location.html. |
Box I.14. | If the species is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), provide permit numbers. |
Box I.15. | Description of animals. World Customs Organization HS Code, if known, see: www.wcoomd.org. |
Box I.16. | Total number of animals. |
Box I.17. | Temperature around the shipping container should generally be maintained in the range 10-28°C during shipment. For animals with different requirements, the specific temperature range should be listed here. |
Box I.18. | The total number of units (e.g. boxes, cages or stalls) in which the animals in the consignment are being transported. |
Box I.19. | Identification of the containers and seal numbers, if provided. |
Box I.20. | Details of the nature of the animals. Provide: species (scientific name); identification system; identification number or other relevant details; quantity and, if required, strain or stock designation, sex, and age or weight. When available, international designation conventions should be used, see for example: http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/nomen/strains.shtml http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/nomen/gene.shtml. For animals with an official international animal passport, the passport number should also be provided. |
Part II. Classification of pathogen free status
Box II. | Conventional animals are those for which the presence or absence of specific microorganisms and parasites is unknown due to the absence of testing, treatment or vaccination. This category includes wild-caught animals and domestic animals maintained under uncontrolled microbiological conditions. Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) animals are free of one or more parasites or infectious microorganisms. SPF animals can be further subdivided into two categories. |
Conditioned SPF animals have undergone testing, treatment and/or vaccination to ensure the absence of one or more parasites or microbial agents. The agents are most commonly of human or agricultural significance or are species-specific infectious agents that are capable of producing significant clinical disease or research effects. Conditioned SPF animals are often not maintained in specialised housing to prevent introduction of other infectious agents and are usually shipped in unfiltered containers. Larger species such as nonhuman primates, dogs, and cats are often maintained as conditioned SPF animals. | |
Barrier raised SPF animals have been raised in the absence of one or more parasites or microbial agents in specialised facilities to exclude these agents as well as agents of agricultural and human significance. Their pathogen free status has been established either by testing each individual animal or by sampling representative animals from the colony. Filtered SPF shipping containers are required for transport of these animals as are special procedures and equipment for packing, unpacking, and handling them. This subcategory also includes animals that are either axenic (microbe free) or possess only a few well defined species of microorganisms. They must be produced and maintained in a sterile environment (usually isolators) without contact with human, animal, or environmental commensal infectious microorganisms. |
Part III. Zoosanitary information
Box III. | Complete this part in accordance with the requirements agreed between the Veterinary Authorities of the importing and exporting countries in accordance with the recommendations in the Terrestrial Code. Attestation of fitness for transportation subject to any conditions or special requirements stated in the certificate. |
Box IIIa. | Certificate reference number: see box I.2. |
Official veterinarian | Name, address, official position, date of signature and official stamp of the Veterinary Services for the country of export. |
Model veterinary certificate for international trade in laboratory animals
Part I: Details of dispatched consignment | I.1. Consignor: Name: Address: | I.2. Certificate reference number: |
I.3. Veterinary Authority: | ||
I.4. Consignee: Name: Address: | ||
I.5. Country of origin: ISO Code*: | I.6. Zone or compartment of origin**: | |
I.7. Country of destination: ISO Code*: | I.8. Zone or compartment of destination**: | |
I.9. Place of origin: Name: Address: | ||
I.10. Place of shipment: | I.11. Date of departure: | |
I.13. Expected border post: | ||
Aeroplane □ Relevant details
□ Road vehicle □ Vessel □ | I.14. CITES permit No(s)**: | |
I.15. Description of animals: *HS Code if known: | I.16. Total number of animals: | |
I.17. Temperature: | I.18. Total number of units: | |
I.19. Identification of container/seal
number: | ||
* Optional.
** If referenced in Part III.
Part II: Zoosanitary information | II.a. Certificate reference number: | |
II. Pathogen Free Status | ||
Other - specify: | ||
III. Fitness for transportation | ||
nb: first adopted in 2012.
2024 ©OIE - Terrestrial Animal Health Code |