Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Glossary SECTION 1. Chapter 1.2.

Chapter 1.1.

Notification of diseases and provision of epidemiological information

Article 1.1.1.

For the purposes of the Terrestrial Code and in terms of Articles 5, 9 and 10 of the Organic Statutes of the Office International des Epizooties, Member Countries shall recognise the right of the Headquarters to communicate directly with the Veterinary Authority of its territory or territories.

All notifications and all information sent by WOAH to the Veterinary Authority shall be regarded as having been sent to the country concerned and all notifications and all information sent to WOAH by the Veterinary Authority shall be regarded as having been sent by the country concerned.

Article 1.1.2.

  1. Member Countries shall make available to other Member Countries, through WOAH, whatever information is necessary to minimise the spread of important animal diseases, and their pathogenic agents, and to assist in achieving better worldwide control of these diseases.

  2. To achieve this, Member Countries shall comply with the notification requirements specified in Articles 1.1.3. and 1.1.4.

  3. For the purposes of this chapter, an “event” means a single outbreak or a group of epidemiologically related outbreaks of a given listed disease or emerging disease that is the subject of a notification. An event is specific to a pathogenic agent and strain, when appropriate, and includes all related outbreaks reported from the time of the initial notification through to the final report. Reports of an event include susceptible species, the number and geographical distribution of affected animals and epidemiological units.

  4. To assist in the clear and concise exchange of information, reports shall conform as closely as possible to the WOAH disease reporting format.

  5. The detection of the pathogenic agent of a listed disease in an animal should be reported, even in the absence of clinical signs. Recognising that scientific knowledge concerning the relationship between diseases and their pathogenic agents is constantly developing and that the presence of a pathogenic agent does not necessarily imply the presence of a disease, Member Countries shall ensure, through their reports, that they comply with the spirit and intention of point 1 above.

  6. In addition to notifying new findings in accordance with Articles 1.1.3. and 1.1.4., Member Countries shall also provide information on the measures taken to prevent the spread of diseases. Information shall include biosecurity and sanitary measures, including restrictions applied to the movement of animals, animal products, biological products and other miscellaneous objects which could by their nature be responsible for the transmission of diseases. In the case of diseases transmitted by vectors, the measures taken against such vectors shall also be specified.

Article 1.1.3.

Veterinary Authorities shall, under the responsibility of the Delegate, send to the Headquarters:

  1. in accordance with relevant provisions in the disease-specific chapters, notification, through the World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) or by fax or email within 24 hours, of any of the following events:

    1. first occurrence of a listed disease in a country, a zone or a compartment;

    2. recurrence of an eradicated listed disease in a country, a zone or a compartment following the final report that declared the event ended;

    3. first occurrence of a new strain of a pathogenic agent of a listed disease in a country, a zone or a compartment;

    4. recurrence of an eradicated strain of a pathogenic agent of a listed disease in a country, a zone or a compartment following the final report that declared the event ended;

    5. a sudden and unexpected change in the distribution or increase in incidence or virulence of, or morbidity or mortality caused by, the pathogenic agent of a listed disease present within a country, a zone or a compartment;

    6. occurrence of a listed disease in an unusual host species;

  2. weekly reports subsequent to a notification under point 1 above, to provide further information on the evolution of the event which justified the notification. These reports should continue until the listed disease has been eradicated or the situation has become sufficiently stable that six-monthly reporting under point 3 will satisfy the obligation of the Member Country. For each event notified, a final report should be submitted;

  3. six-monthly reports on the absence or presence and evolution of listed diseases and information of epidemiological significance to other Member Countries;

  4. annual reports concerning any other information of significance to other Member Countries.

Article 1.1.4.

Veterinary Authorities shall, under the responsibility of the Delegate, send to the Headquarters:

  1. a notification through WAHIS or by fax or email, when an emerging disease has been detected in a country, a zone or a compartment;

  2. periodic reports subsequent to a notification of an emerging disease:

    1. for the time necessary to have reasonable certainty that:

      1. the infection or infestation has been eradicated; or

      2. the situation has become stable;


    1. until sufficient scientific information is available to determine whether it meets the criteria for inclusion in the WOAH list as described in Chapter 1.2.;

  3. a final report once point 2 a) or 2 b) above has been complied with.

Article 1.1.5.

  1. Although Member Countries are only required to notify listed diseases and emerging diseases, they are encouraged to provide WOAH with other important animal health information.

  2. The Headquarters shall communicate by email or through the interface of WAHIS to Veterinary Authorities all notifications received as provided in Articles 1.1.2. to 1.1.4. and other relevant information.

nb: first adopted in 1968; most recent update adopted in 2021.

2024 ©OIE - Terrestrial Animal Health Code

Contents | Index Glossary Chapter 1.2.